Complaints must be made in writing or via email sent to the clubs email address: backworthgolfclub@outlook.com giving full details of any alleged incident.
Verbal complaints from members are not acceptable.
If a verbal complaint is made to a member of the committee the complainant will be instructed to submit their complaint in writing as above.
A decision will be made whether any complaint can be resolved informally or whether the complaint is of sufficient gravity to warrant the implementation of the Disciplinary Procedure.
Disciplinary Panel
If the disciplinary procedure is implemented the complainant then the accused will be invited to attend a disciplinary hearing.
The Disciplinary Panel may deal with a disciplinary matter by way of an oral hearing either conducted in person or by audio or video conference call, or deal with the matter by way of written submissions, whichever method is most appropriate and proportionate to the issues at hand, and considering the needs and wishes of the Respondent and any other witnesses in deciding how to deal with the hearing.
The complainant has the right for witnesses to the incident to attend the hearing.
The accused has the right to have a companion present at the hearing.
The disciplinary panel will consist of 3 committee members. They should be impartial and have had no prior involvement in the case or be witness to any of the events or have any conflict or bias.
After hearing the evidence the disciplinary panel will decide whether sanctions will be imposed on the accused.
Appeal Procedure
The accused has the right to submit an appeal within 7 days of notice of any sanctions imposed on them.
An appeal panel will consist of 3 committee members who were not part of the disciplinary panel.
They should be impartial and have had no prior involvement in the case or be witness to any of the events or have any conflict or bias.
The appeal panel have the authority to dismiss the appeal, reduce, confirm or increase the sanctions imposed by the disciplinary panel.
At the end of this process there will be no further right of appeal within the disciplinary framework of the Golf Section of Backworth Golf Club.
If at any stage the Golf Committee consider that an offence warrants the suspension or dismissal from the club the complaint will be referred to the Board of Trustees, Backworth Miners Welfare.
The discipline regulations of Backworth Golf Club are displayed on the notice boards