Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
Everyone working with children and young people has a responsibility for keeping them safe, irrespective of their role, whether they are paid members of staff or volunteers. England Golf is committed to ensure that the sport of golf is one within which all participants can thrive in a safe environment and that all children and young people have an enjoyable and positive experience when playing golf.
Key principles
The welfare of children is paramount.
A child is defined by law in England and Wales as a person under the age of
18 years.
All children, regardless of their Age, Race, Religion or Belief, Disability, Gender
identity or Sexual Orientation, have the right to protection from abuse.
All concerns and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken seriously
and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
All children have the right to be safe.
All children have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
The BACKWORTH GC will work with children, their parents/carers and external
organisations to safeguard the welfare of children participating in golf.
We recognise the authority of the statutory agencies and are committed to
complying with Local Safeguarding Children Board Guidelines (LSCB), Working
Together under the Children Act 2004, and any legislation and statutory
guidance that supersedes these.
The BACKWORTH GC is committed to working in partnership with other key
UK Golf Bodies to continually improve and to promote safeguarding initiatives
across the sport.
Responsibilities and implementation
The BACKWORTH GC will seek to promote the principles of safeguarding children
Reviewing their policy and procedures every three years or whenever there is
a major change in legislation. Guidance from England Golf will be sought as
part of the review process.
Conducting a risk assessment of club activities with regard to safeguarding
and take appropriate action to address the identified issues within suitable
Using appropriate recruitment procedures to assess the suitability of
volunteers and staff working with children and young people in line with
guidance from England Golf.
Following National Governing Body (NGB) procedures to report concerns and
allegations about the behaviour of adults and ensuring that all staff,
volunteers, parents and children are aware of these procedures.
Directing staff, volunteers & coaches to appropriate safeguarding training and
learning opportunities, where this is appropriate to their role.
1 Recruitment and training
The BACKWORTH GC will endeavour to ensure that all volunteers and staff
working with children and young people are appropriate and suitable to do so,
and that they have all the information they require to undertake their job
effectively and appropriately.
Each role which involves an element of responsibility with regard to children,
particularly those involving the regular supervision of children, whether
voluntary or paid, should be assessed by the recruiting body to establish which
qualifications, checks and other requirements are necessary. These will include
the following:
An application form (Appendix 1)
A self-disclosure form (Appendix 2)
References from 2 people (Appendix 3)
A signed Code of Conduct (Appendix 4)
A Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check on people involved in ‘regulated
activity’ with children (Guidance on Regulated Activity & DBS- Appendix
Details of the requirements and the qualifications and checks of individuals will
be recorded by the Club Welfare Officer/Secretary/Manager who will also hold
copies of the necessary Safeguarding and Protecting Children (SPC) certificates.
The nominated person will possess all relevant and appropriate contact details of
all staff / volunteers and other relevant bodies.
All staff, volunteers & coaches will be offered access to appropriate child
protection training. The BACKWORTH GC recommends attendance at the UK
Coaching Safeguarding and Protecting Children (SPC) workshop and will ensure
that all volunteers and staff who have significant contact with children attend. An
online UK Coaching refresher course should be completed and repeated every
three years for those involved in “Regulated Activity.”
All staff, volunteers & coaches working with children and young people will be
asked to read and become familiar with the BACKWORTH GC Safeguarding Policy
and Procedures.
All staff, volunteers & coaches involved with children and young people will be
asked to read the BACKWORTH GC Code of Conduct relevant to their role, and
sign to indicate their understanding and agreement to act in accordance with the
code. The code is linked to the BACKWORTH GC’s Disciplinary Procedures.
(Codes of Conduct-Appendix 4,5,6)
The BACKWORTH GC are committed to the fact that every child and participant
in golf should be afforded the right to thrive through being involved in sporting
activity for life, in an enjoyable, safe environment, and be protected from harm.
The BACKWORTH GC acknowledge the additional vulnerability of some groups of
children (e.g. disabled, looked after children, those with communication
differences). The BACKWORTH GC will ensure that the environment is
appropriate for the child, and tailored to their needs so that they have a positive
experience of their sport without risk of harm.
Complaints, concerns and allegations
If a player, parent/carer, member of staff or volunteer has a concern
about the welfare of a child, or the conduct of another child/young person
or an adult (whether they are a parent, coach, member, or otherwise),
these concerns should be brought to the attention of the Club Welfare
Officer without delay. The person reporting the concern is not required to
decide whether abuse has occurred, but simply has a duty to pass their
concerns and any relevant information to the Welfare Officer.
All concerns will be treated in confidence. Details should only be shared on
a “need to know” basis with those who can help with the management of
the concern.
Concerns will be recorded on an Incident Report Form and sent to the
England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer and retained confidentially within
the club. The England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer can assist with
completion of this form if required, tel: 01526 351824. (Incident Report
Form-Appendix 8)
2.4 The BACKWORTH GC will work with England Golf and other external
agencies to take appropriate action where concerns relate to potential
abuse or serious poor practice. The BACKWORTH GC disciplinary
procedures will be applied and followed where possible.
2.5 In the event of a child making a disclosure of any type of abuse, the
following guidance is given:
Reassure them that they have done the right thing to share the
Listen carefully
Do not make promises that cannot be kept, such as promising not to tell
anyone else
Do not seek to actively question the child or lead them in any way to
disclose more information than they are comfortably able to: this may
compromise any future action. Only ask questions to clarify your
understanding where needed e.g. can you tell me what you mean by the
word XXXX?
Record what the child has said as soon as possible on an incident report
You should explain to children, young people and families at the outset,
openly and honestly, what and how information will, or could be shared
and why, and seek their agreement.
Parents or Carers should be informed if the allegation does not involve
2.6 The NSPCC Helpline is available to discuss concerns regarding poor
practice and abuse in confidence with members of the public who need
support. Those with concerns are encouraged to use this service. The
Helpline number is 0808 800 5000.
2.7 Safeguarding children and young people requires everyone to be
committed to the highest possible standards of openness, integrity and
accountability. The BACKWORTH GC supports an environment where
staff, volunteers, parents/carers and the public are encouraged to raise
safeguarding and child protection concerns. Anyone who reported a
legitimate concern to the organisation (even if their concerns
subsequently appear to be unfounded) will be supported. All concerns will
be taken seriously. (Whistleblowing Policy-Appendix 15)
What to do if you are worried about what is happening to a child outside
of the Club (but the concern is identified through the child’s involvement
in golf)
* If for any reason a Club Welfare Officer is not in post or is unavailable a
principle of least delay is important.
Please contact the
England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer
01526 351824
1 Emergencies and incidents
4.1 Parental Consent Forms will be obtained and retained by the BACKWORTH
GC for all children who are participating in events or activities, or
attending coaching organised by the club. These forms will be treated in
confidence and only shared with those who require the information they
contain to perform their role effectively. (Junior Profile and Parental
Consent Forms-Appendix 10)
4.2 In the event of a child requiring medical attention:
The parents will be contacted immediately.
In the event of failure to contact parents, the alternative emergency
contacts will be used.
The consent form will be consulted to establish whether parents have
given their consent for a club representative to act in loco parentis.
An adult club representative will accompany the child to seek medical
attention, if appropriate, ensuring that they take the consent form with
A record of the action taken will be made and retained by a club
4.3 Where a parent is late in collecting their child the following procedure will
Attempt to contact the parent/carer using the contact details on the
Parental Consent Form
Attempt to contact the first, then the second emergency contact
nominated on the Consent Form
Wait with the young person(s) at the venue with, wherever possible, other
staff/volunteers or parents.
If no one is reachable, contact the Club’s Welfare Officer for advice.
If all attempts to make contact fail, consideration should be given to
contacting the police for their advice.
Staff, volunteers and coaches should try to avoid:
Taking the child home or to another location without consent.
Asking the child to wait in a vehicle or the club with them alone.
Sending the child home with another person without permission.
5.1 During coaching sessions, coaches should conduct a risk assessment to
inform decision making about appropriate supervision levels. Regardless
of the recommended ratio of adults to participants, it is recommended
that a minimum of two adults should be present. This ensures at least
basic cover in the event of something impacting on the availability of one
of the adults during the activity.
5.2 Parents may be encouraged to stay for coaching/competitions & other
events where their children are of an age where greater levels of parental
supervision are required.
5.3 Wherever possible adults will avoid changing or showering at the same
time as children but parents will be made aware that with limited
changing room space there will be occasions when adults and children
may need to share the facilities.
5.4 Parents should be aware that if children are left at a venue unsupervised,
other than to attend specific coaching sessions, competitions, or other
organised events, the club cannot accept supervisory responsibility.
5.5 Special arrangements will be made for away trips. Parents will receive full
information about arrangements for any such trip and will be required to
provide their consent for their child’s participation. (Managing Young
People on Away Trips-Appendix 13
Good practice Guidelines
6.1 Behaviour of adults and children
6.1.1 Adults who work with children are placed in a position of trust in relation
to children, and therefore it is important they behave appropriately and
provide a strong positive role model for children, both to protect children
and those working with children from false allegations of poor practice.
Codes of conduct will be issued to junior members & adults working with
them to promote good practice.
6.1.2 The BACKWORTH GC requires that all staff and volunteers working with
children and young people adhere to the standards set out in the Code of
Conduct relevant to their role. Similarly, children are expected to follow
their own Code of Conduct to ensure the enjoyment of all participants and
assist the club in ensuring their welfare is safeguarded.
6.1.3 The BACKWORTH GC requires that all staff and volunteers working with
children adhere to the guidelines on Managing Challenging Behaviour.
(Managing Challenging Behaviour-Appendix 7).
6.1.4 Parents and carers should also work together with the club to ensure that
the welfare of all children is safeguarded. A sheet on “Parental Guidance”
is provided to assist them in understanding how they can best assist the
club (Parental Guidance-Appendix 12)
6.2 Adults and Children playing golf together
One of the reasons for the popularity of golf is that the game is not
restricted by ability, age or gender. Responsible interaction between
adults and children helps bring mutual respect and understanding and will
be encouraged as part of club activities. Adults should always be aware
however that age related differences do exist and conduct themselves in a
manner that both recognises this and prioritises the welfare of any
children involved.
6.3 Physical Contact
Physical contact with children by coaches or volunteers should always be
intended to meet the needs of the child and the sport, not the adult. That
is, to develop golf technique, to protect the child from injury, to provide
first aid or treat an injury. It should always take place in an open
environment, and should not, as a general principle, be made gratuitously
or unnecessarily.
6.4 Transport
6.4.1 The club believes it is primarily the responsibility of parents/carers to
transport their child/children to and from events. It is not the
responsibility of club volunteers or coaches to transport children and
young people to and from events, activities, tournaments or matches
2 The club may make arrangements for transport in exceptional
circumstances, such as team events. Where this is the case, the written
permission of the parents of the relevant children will be sought. The
drivers used will be checked for their suitability to transport and supervise
children (see Section 1 Recruitment and Training) and their insurance
arrangements verified.
6.4.3 Children and young people are often involved in competition. When taking
young people away from their home club, consideration and planning
needs to be paramount to ensure the duty of care for the young people
within the team is fulfilled.
6.5 Photography/ Videoing
6.5.1 Permission will be sought from parents prior to the publication or use of
any video or photographic images of their child, for instance in
newspapers, websites or for coaching purposes. The personal details of
the child will not be used in any promotional material. (Photography
Consent-Appendix 11)
6.5.2 Any press/official photographers attending events will be required to seek
permission from the club before taking photographs and also permission
of parents to use the images. (Photography Policy – Appendix 20)
6.6 Social Media
Social media provides unique opportunities for the club to engage and
develop relationships with people in a creative and dynamic forum where
users are active participants. It is important that all staff, volunteers,
coaches, officials/referees, board members, or anyone working on behalf
of the club are aware of the club Social Media policy (Social Media
Guidance–Appendix 14)
6.7 Anti-Bullying Procedures
6.7.1 We believe that every effort must be made to eradicate bullying in all its
forms. Bullying can be difficult to define and can take many forms which
can be categorised as;
Physical – hitting, kicking, theft
Verbal – homophobic or racist remarks, threats, name calling
Emotional – isolating an individual from activities or a group
Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy and Procedures – Reviewed & Updated Nov 2020
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All forms of bullying include;
Deliberate hostility & aggression towards an individual(s)
A victim who is weaker and less powerful than the bully or bullies
An outcome which is always painful & distressing for the victim
Bullying behaviour may also include;
Other forms of violence
Sarcasm, spreading rumours, persistent teasing
Tormenting, ridiculing, humiliation
Racial taunts, graffiti, gestures
Unwanted physical contact or abusive or offensive comments of a sexual
The Club and its Staff, Volunteers & Coaches will not tolerate bullying in any of
its forms during club matches, competitions, coaching or at any other time while
at the club. (Anti-Bullying Policy -Appendix 21)
6.7.2 We will:
Provide a point of contact where those being bullied can report their concerns
in confidence – The Club Welfare Officer.
Take the problem seriously.
Investigate any and all incidents and accusations of bullying.
Talk to bullies and their victims separately along with their parents/carers.
Impose sanctions where appropriate
Keep a written record of all incidents referred to England Golf and the action
Have discussions about bullying and why it matters.
6.8 Confidentiality
6.8.1 Details of all juniors will be kept on file in the office and will not be shared
with a third party without parent/carer
All concerns/allegations will be dealt with confidentially by the club and
information will only be shared on a need to know basis, either internally
or externally depending on the nature/seriousness of the
6.9 Changing rooms
The changing rooms are used by all members & visitors. Juniors will only
be supervised if needed at club organised events. Parents will be made
aware that adults use the changing rooms throughout the day for
changing & showering. Where a parent/carer does not consent to their
child accessing the changing rooms, it is their responsibility to either
supervise the child while in the changing rooms or ensure that they do not
use them. consent.